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英語を重視していない公立小学校に通っていても、私の子供のように、毎日英語を視聴させる。寝るときも子守歌として英語を聴かせるという生活を送っていると、小学生で英検2級に到達することができます。ちなみに私の子供は中国語教育も受けさせていたので小学校2年で中国語検定試験HSK2級にも合格しました。子供教育で重要なのは英語だけでなく、算数・国語・理科・社会をマスターして、できれば中学受験を成功させることだと思います。私の子供も塾に通って中学受験にチャレンジしました。無事に東大生や. 慶應生を輩出する中学に入学できました。中学に入って良かったのは、英語が出来ることでした。英語ができることで、本人の自信になり、全体の授業にもついていけることでした。幼児の段階から英語を学ぶことによって、英語が絶対の自信になり、本人の人生を助ける役割を担っています。




My child passed the second grade of the Practical English Examination at the Japanese university entrance exam level in the second year of public elementary school. He passed the Practical English Examination Level 3 in the first grade of elementary school. He passed the United Nations Associations Test of English Junior Test A course when he was in kindergarten. I have made original English animations to educate my children. I made more than 50 kinds of English animation teaching materials.
This time, we will listen to the "Big Turnip" English story at a slow speed and listen to English at a high speed. The purpose is to have fun learning with English animation. We have a variety of materials that you can practice listening to according to your level. Background music includes Mozart so that you can focus more and take on the challenge of listening. If you can establish a style of listening repeatedly, listening before going to bed, and listening while sleeping, your listening skills will be greatly improved. My child slept while listening to English every day from 0 years old to nursery school to the lower grades of elementary school. English was a lullaby. If you watch English animation every day, you will be able to remember and speak all the contents. When I took the second grade of Eiken in the second year of public elementary school, I had influenza and had a fever of 39 degrees the day before. The fever went down on the day, but my face was bright red and I was worried that the interview test would be okay. The interview questions for the Practical English Examination Level 2 are assumed to be at the university entrance exam level, and there is no topic for children, but they are topics that appear in high school classes and newspapers. The child's reaction to such a difficult problem was that the test interviewer was a little better at English pronunciation. I didn't understand the contents of the exam questions, but I answered all of them, so I said it was okay. Then, I passed the Practical English Examination Level 2 in the second grade of elementary school. Two juniors from the kindergarten who took the exam at the same time also came to the interview exam together. The two kindergarten children passed the Eiken Examination Level 3 for In fact. When you study English from the early childhood stage, English comes to your mind as your own language. If you watch English animation every day, you will naturally enter the world of English. By doing this, you will be able to pass the Practical English Examination Level 2 at the university entrance exam level in the lower grades of elementary school.
Even if I go to a public elementary school that doesn't emphasize English, I let them listen to English every day like my child. If you live a life of listening to English as a lullaby even when you go to bed, you can reach the second grade of the Practical English Examination as an elementary school student. By the way, my child was also educated in Chinese, so I passed the Chinese test HSK2 level in the second grade of elementary school.
When my friends come from the US, UK, and China, my kids have fun talking in English and Chinese and entertaining.
The birth of bilingual and multilingual is not a dream if we create an environment where we can watch English and Chinese animations every day. I would like to post English animations of many titles from now on. We hope that it will be a teaching material for English education for children and grandchildren of the viewers.
小学生で英検2級「ガリレオ」 YouTube